Guess where

September 14, 2020  •  2 Comments

"G" is for guessing games. Can you guess where these photos were taken? 

There are 3 photos from each location. Some are easy, others a bit more challenging. Hover over any image or scroll to the bottom for answers. 

1. Hint: This man made reservoir is part of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and straddles 2 states.  

Anasazi Canyon, Lake PowellAnasazi Canyon, Lake Powell Hamburger Rocks, Lake PowellHamburger Rocks, Lake Powell Lake PowellLake Powell

2. Hint: This state grows by roughly 42 acres each year and the state fish is humuhumunukunukuapua.

Anole, Kona HawaiiAnole, Kona Hawaii Banyan Roots, Kona HawaiiBanyan Roots, Kona Hawaii Hawaii Volcano National Park, HawaiiHawaii Volcano National Park, Hawaii

3. This is the largest national park in the lower 48, is known fro being the hottest and driest place in north america, and is 282 feet below sea level. 

Badwater, Death Valley National ParkBadwater, Death Valley National Park Coyote, Death Valley National ParkCoyote, Death Valley National Park Mesquite Dunes, Death Valley National ParkMesquite Dunes, Death Valley National Park

4. This state has 100,000 glaciers, covering roughly 5% of the state. 

Brown (Grizzly) Bear, Katmai National Park, AlaskaBrown (Grizzly) Bear, Katmai National Park, Alaska Dalls Purpose, Prince William Sound, AlaskaDalls Purpose, Prince William Sound, Alaska Harrimon Glacier, Prince William Sound, AlaskaHarrimon Glacier, Prince William Sound, Alaska

5. This park has a diverse landscape, which supports over 400 species. 

Cooks Meadow, Yosemite National ParkCooks Meadow, Yosemite National Park Marmot, Yosemite National ParkMarmot, Yosemite National Park Snow covered cottonwoods, Yosemite National ParkSnow covered cottonwoods, Yosemite National Park

6. This state park is one of the most photogenic on the California coast but the name translates to the word "tick" because of how aggravating they were to the early travelers that named the park. 

Waterfall, Garrapata State ParkWaterfall, Garrapata State Park Boulders, Garrapata State ParkBoulders, Garrapata State Park Sunrise, Garrapata State ParkSunrise, Garrapata State Park

7. This state park was the first established marine reserve in the United States and boasts some of the best scuba diving along California. 

Great Blue Heron, Point Lobos State ParkGreat Blue Heron, Point Lobos State Park Sunset, Point Lobos State ParkSunset, Point Lobos State Park Point Lobos State ParkPoint Lobos State Park

8. This lake is known for it's deep blue water and is so clear that in some places, objects can be viewed at 70 feet deep. 

Emerald Bay, Lake TahoeEmerald Bay, Lake Tahoe South Shore sunset, Lake TahoeSouth Shore sunset, Lake Tahoe Lupine field, Lake TahoeLupine field, Lake Tahoe

9. This park was the filming location for one of the Star Wars films and is the home of the tallest trees in the world. 

Hiking trail, RedwoodsHiking trail, Redwoods Trees in fog, RedwoodsTrees in fog, Redwoods Foggy morning, RedwoodsFoggy morning, Redwoods

10. This park is home to the largest wetlands in the world and contains 9 different habitats. 

Anhinga Trail, Everglades National ParkAnhinga Trail, Everglades National Park American Alligator, Everglades National ParkAmerican Alligator, Everglades National Park White Ibis, Everglades National ParkWhite Ibis, Everglades National Park

Answers:  1) Lake Powell, 2) Kona Hawaii, 3) Death Valley National Park, 4) Alaska, 5) Yosemite National Park, 6) Garrapata State Park, 7) Point Lobos State Park, 8) Lake Tahoe, 9) Redwoods National & State Parks 10) Everglades National Park. 



These are beautiful! Did you take them all?
Truman Holtzclaw(non-registered)
Fun activity! I missed #6
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