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Yellow Aspen Leaf  balanced against yellow reflectionsBright bat start contrasting the muted surroundingsBoulders balanced against each other and the night skyA man made cactus in the middle of a desert sunriseA delicate flower blooming in the harsh desert environmentA colorful sunset contrasting a harsh landscapeA man made structure in the Chihuahuan desertA purple Iris contrasting with a yellow landscapeThe contrast of sunlight and shadow on El CapitanThe scale of the people next to the massive balloonsA red Hibiscus contrasting with green foliageFast moving water against stationary rockStars moving against a still landscapeAn orange jellyfish contrasting the blue backgroundA large and small boulder balancing each other, and an orange desert contrasting a blue skyThe scale of a nearby Joshua tree with several distant trees, and the contrast of the Orange-Blue sunsetThe tree balanced with the rockThe bright autumn leaf against the granite slabA bright mushroom on the monochrome forest floorThe red in the autumn leaves contrasted against the green moss