Lake Tahoe: Bonsai Rock and Lupine blooms

June 08, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I wasn't planning to go to Lake Tahoe this weekend but I was visiting my dad in Reno and thought I'd pass through. I had been trying to get up there for a couple months but it just wasn't working out. I figured the same would happen this time - too busy, no parking, flat boring skies, etc. But I was wrong - and I'm so glad I stopped.

I have been planning to go up for the lupine bloom but that doesn't usually happen until July. I wasn't even planning to scout my lupine spot on this trip but I noticed some lupine blooming near Donner and thought I better check just to be safe. Phew! The lupine were in full bloom. I knew I wanted to photograph these at sunrise so I decided I was sleeping over.

After scouting, I headed to my sunset spot: Bonsai Rock. When I arrived, 2 hours before sunset, there was a workshop group of 5 people there. By the time sunset was done, there was 11 of us out there. As a result, all my shots were from 1 location, and I mean a 2 x 2 foot rock that I stood on the entire time. I did this to stay out of others shots and to hold on to my own spot. I don't love crowding around a subject with a group of strangers that are all getting the same shots, but this was a pretty nice group. We chatted while we waited for the light to get good, so that helped pass the time.





Sunset wasn't stellar by any means, but it didn't suck either. I could have been at home doing laundry, right? 

After a very uncomfortable night in my vehicle, I made my way to my sunrise lupine spot. I was so lucky that there were some clouds in the sky. I hate flat blue skies. Clouds give you some texture and color.











Even though I had hardly any sleep, I forgot all about it this morning. What a beautiful sunrise!



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