Avian art

April 05, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

This post isn't going to outline how to capture your best bird shots or what equipment to use because I honestly don't put myself in the category of expert bird photographers - far from it. Birds are probably one of the most difficult wildlife subjects to photograph because they are small, fast, and sometimes camouflaged. It takes a lot of patience, expertise, the right equipment, and sometimes luck to capture stunning photographs of birds. 

Sandhill Cranes PanoramaSandhill Cranes PanoramaFun fact: Sandhill Cranes are known for their dancing skills. Courting cranes stretch their wings, pump their heads, bow, and leap into the air in a graceful and energetic dance.

Instead, this post is all about Avian Art. This is a collection of photographs I have made over the years that I consider to be more artistic than documentary. Since art is subjective to a certain degree, you can choose to agree or disagree.

You can hover over, or click on any photo to see additional information. 

I've included information about each photo. You can also view an expanded gallery of bird photos here

Snow GeeseSnow GeeseA large flock of Snow Geese lifting off shortly after sunrise at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge. This is a sight to see!

Eurasian eagle-owlEurasian eagle-owlThis is a species of eagle owl that is from - surprise, surprise - Eurasia. This one was located at a falconry center in Marysville California.
I de-saturated the image to give it a different look.
Clark's NutcrackerClark's NutcrackerThis Clark's Nutcracker was quite the professional model at Crater Lake National Park.
Caribbean FlamingoCaribbean FlamingoThe Flamingos will continually move their necks around, providing you with lots of interesting photo compositions.
Snow GeeseSnow GeeseA massive flock of Snow Geese lifting off at dawn, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge.

Heermann's GullHeermann's GullThe Heermann's Gull has a striking red bill, different from other types of gulls. This one was hanging out in Pacific Grove. I named him Frederick.
PeacockPeacockThe Peacock is the name for a male Peafowl and display their brightly colored feathers often during mating season.
California GullsCalifornia GullsSome people wouldn't be terribly excited about or impressed with the California Gull, but they are actually quite beautiful and when flocking up above in late afternoon light, they can create a lovely photo.

Harris HawkHarris HawkA Harris Hawk in flight. I had accidentally over exposed this image so I embraced it and blew out the highlights, resulting in a unique, and dare I say, artistic image.
Spotted SandpiperSpotted SandpiperI am 99% certain this is a Spotted Sandpiper. It was photographed at the Effie Yeaw Nature Preserve in Carmichael, California.

Anhinga drying wingsAnhinga drying wingsAnhingas and Cormorants look similar but where a Comorant has a hooked bill, an Anhinga has a straight bill. Neither bird has waterproof wings so they can both be found with their wings outstretched, drying in the sun.
This Anhinga was in a wildlife refuge in Florida.
Great EgretGreat EgretGreat Egrets can be found throughout most if the United States and primarily in marsh habitats. This one was near the coastline in Florida.
The Great Egret is the symbol of the National Audubon Society, one of the oldest environmental organizations in North America. Audubon was founded to protect birds from being killed for their feathers.
Sandhill CranesSandhill CranesSandhill Cranes have a unique bugling call that can be heard from miles away. I have actually heard their call from my backyard and looked up to see tiny dots in formation flying above. I always get excited when I hear the Sandhill Cranes!

Sandhill CranesSandhill CranesThese Sandhill Cranes are lifting off just after sunrise.

Want to see more? Check out my expanded gallery of bird photos here


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