10 Great Nature Escapes

June 14, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Looking for an easy day trip and a quick nature fix? Here's 10 places you can get to from the Sacramento area and still be home for dinner.

1. Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge: Glenn and Colusa Counties, 1 hr 15 min north of Sacramento, nearly 300 species of birds, reptiles, and mammals. Best time to view birds is between November and February but you can visit all year. Dawn and dusk are the best times of day to see wildlife active. Entry fee: $6. For more information, visit: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/sacramento/



2. San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge: Napa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties, 1 hour west of Sacramento, birds, amphibians, mammals. Best time to view birds is between November and February but you can visit all year. Dawn and dusk are the best times of day to see wildlife active. Entry fee: $0. For more information, visit: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/san_pablo_bay/


3. Cosumnes River Preserve: Sacramento County, 30 minutes south of Sacramento, Over 250 species of birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Best time to view birds is between November and February but you can visit all year. Dawn and dusk are the best times of day to see wildlife active. Entry fee: $0. For more information, visit: http://www.cosumnes.org/



4. Gray lodge Wildlife Refuge: Butte and Sutter Counties, 1 hour north of Sacramento, over 300 species of resident and migrant birds and mammals. Best time to view birds is between November and February but you can visit all year. Dawn and dusk are the best times of day to see wildlife active. Entry fee: $2.50. For more information, visit: https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/Lands/Places-to-Visit/Gray-Lodge-WA





5. Vic Fazio Wildlife Refuge (aka Yolo bypass wildlife area): Yolo county, 30 minutes west of Sacramento, 200 species of birds and wildlife. Best time to view birds is between November and February but you can visit all year. Dawn and dusk are the best times of day to see wildlife active. Entry fee: $0. For more information, visit: http://yolobasin.org/yolobypasswildlifearea/





6. Isenberg Crane Reserve (aka Woodbridge ecological reserve): San Joaquin County, 45 minutes south of Sacramento, Sandhill Cranes. Best time to view birds is between November and February. Dawn and dusk are the best times of day to see the cranes fly in and out. Entry fee: $0. For more information, visit: https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/Lands/Places-to-Visit/Woodbridge-ER





7. West Coast Falconry: Yuba County, 1 hour 15 minutes Northest of Sacramento, raptors: Hawks, Falcons, Owls, Vultures. This is a privately run organization catering to those who want to learn falcontry, but you can visit for education and close up encounters with raptors. Entry fee: $37 and up. For more information, visit: http://westcoast-falconry.com/







8. American River, Sailor Bar: Sacramento County, in Fair Oaks, Wide variety of birds and mammals.You can view wildlife year round but the salmon run in autumn. Dawn and dusk are the best times of day to see wildlife active. Entry fee: $5. For more information, visit: http://www.regionalparks.saccounty.net/Parks/Pages/SailorBar.aspx


9. American River, Hagan Park: Sacramento County, in Rancho Cordova, Wide variety of birds and mammals along the dirt trails and river bank. You can view wildlife year round. Dawn and dusk are the best times of day to see wildlife active. Entry fee: $5. For more information, visit: http://crpd.com/parks/hagan-community-park/







10. Ancil Hoffman Park: Sacramento County, in Carmichael, Wide variety of birds and mammals, and the Effie Yeaw Nature Center. You can view wildlife year round. Dawn and dusk are the best times of day to see wildlife active. Entry fee: $5. For more information, visit: http://www.regionalparks.saccounty.net/Parks/Pages/AncilHoffmanPark.aspx



Bonus spot:

11.Your own backyard! If you have water and food sources for the local birds, chances are good that you can sit in your own backyard and see some widlife. I've seen finches, blue jays, magpies, mourning doves, orioles, and hummingbirds in my backyard. We see squirrels every day and see the occasional skunk, possom, or raccoon at night.





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