Ten outstanding reasons to catch the next sunrise

July 05, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

1. You get to see colors like this.
You've got to love mother nature. She creates all these cool colors - every freaking day. C'mon; how many of us are producing something that cool each day? The catch is, she doesn't just let the color hang out for a while. You have to catch it during the magic hour when the sun is still low in the sky.


Negro Bar, Folsom CaliforniaOctober

2. It's peaceful.
My favorite time of day to get out and take pictures is at sunrise. I can almost guarantee I'll have the place to myself. The air tends to be more still in the morning and everything is just more calm and peaceful. I think if everyone just took 30 minutes to enjoy a view like this each morning, they would be a little less grumpy at work.



3. It's when the critters come out. 
If you didn't already know this, you might be living under a rock. Dawn and dusk are the best times to see wildlife doing it's thing. Last year, I spent 1 hour every morning for 30 days going to the same location to photograph birds. I saw a ton of birds plus otters, beavers, squirrels, deer, fish, etc. After a while, they got used to me showing up and they carried on with their business, generously letting me capture some of their morning routine.


Roosevelt ElkRoosevelt Elk

4. It's free.
If you have met me, you know I'm cheap. I love free. Free is awesome. I don't really know what else to say than that.



5. You only get 28,652 in your life.
I'm sure this seems like a lot but if you are 40 years of age, you've blown half of these.



6. For photographer's, it is when the light is at it's best.
For any fellow photographers out there, you already know this, but I think it's worth stating. Light is what makes a photo and it is at its best when it is low in the sky. It creates more interesting shadows and patterns. It is the single most important thing to creating dramatic images. Try it - you'll see.



 7. If you look into the sun at sunrise, you will sleep better at night.
I heard this from someone once it seems like solid logic.


American River, El Manto AccessAmerican River, El Manto AccessRancho Cordova, California

8. Things look cooler at sunrise.
This goes back to the light (see #6) but it's also when colors are more saturated. A scene that looks ordinary in the middle of the day can become magical at sunrise.




9. Sometimes, mother nature puts on a show.
Admit it. That lady is bad ass.


Cooks MeadowCooks MeadowYosemite National Park, California

10. No one has had a chance to irritate you yet.
This is my favorite reason. When you wake up, your brain is still in relaxation mode. You are generally in a good state to truly appreciate the peace and tranquility that sunrise has to offer before that special person is dancing on your last good nerve. The next time someone is irritating you, refer them to this blog and ask them to see #10.



Now get out an enjoy a sunrise!


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