Fall color travel destinations 2024

October 17, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Fall Color 2024: Where To Go For Fall Foliage

Text and photography by Heather Cline

Fall has arrived. This is a great time of year with cooler temperatures, migrating wildlife, and fall colors of course. There are many opportunities to see the foliage turning from green to yellow, orange, and red. If you are a photographer, or simply enjoy the scenery this time of year, this article will provide a quick guide to help you plan a trip ranging from a Sunday drive to a weekend getaway, so you don't miss out on all that mother nature has to offer. 

This is organized by state and the areas contained within each. 

California | Oregon | Utah | Colorado Wyoming | Montana 


Highway 50, Lake Tahoe

  • Highway 50 from Placerville through Lake Tahoe will have color late into the season since it is at a lower elevation. This makes a nice Sunday drive since there are several locations to stop and eat along the way.
  • Directions: Highway 50 east, starting in Placerville.
  • Season: Mid October – November

Fallen Leaf Lake

  • The road leading back to Fallen Leaf Lake has some nice spots of color. This is a nice side trip if you are already in Lake Tahoe. The Taylor Creek Visitor center is close by and will likely have salmon running this time of year.
  • Directions: Highway 50 east to Highway 89 (towards Tahoe City), then left on Fallen Leaf Lake Road.
  • Season: Mid October - November

Hope Valley

  • Hope valley is a nice spot because you can park and walk around without a lot of crowds. There are a lot of Aspens in this area that turn yellow and orange. If you are already in Tahoe, this is a great add on. 
  • Directions: Highway 50 east to Highway 89 (Luther Pass Road), continue on Highway 89 until it runs into Highway 88. Hope Valley can be accessed both by turning left or right on Highway 88.
  • Season: Mid October - November

Carson River, West Fork

  • The West Fork of the Carson River begins in Hope Valley and runs along Highway 88 towards Markleeville. There are many turnouts along the river to stop and explore. This is a nice spot for a picnic and is near Sorenson’s resort, offering food and lodging. This is also not far from Lake Tahoe, making it an easy daytime or weekend getaway combo trip. 
  • Directions: Highway 50 east to Highway 89 (Luther Pass Road), continue on Highway 89 until it runs into Highway 88. Turn left on Highway 88.
  • Season: Mid October - November

Conway Summit

  • This probably isn’t a destination in itself but is an easy pull over spot if you heading south on Highway 395 because the turnout is long with plenty of room for the many cars that will stop once they see the color. There are no services here.  This spot is between Bodie State Historic Park and Mono Lake, so if you are planning to visit either/both of these locations, this is worth the quick stop.
  • Directions: From Reno, head south on Highway 395 for 125 miles. The turn-out is on your right. 
  • Season: Mid October - November

Lundy Canyon

  • Lundy Canyon serves as a nice drive, a nice place to make stops to explore, and has a great hike into the canyon with a waterfall.  
  • Directions: From Reno, head south on Highway 395 for 133 miles. Turn right on Lundy Lake Road and follow as long as you like.  
  • Season: Mid October - November

Lee Vining Canyon

  • Lee Vining Canyon is on the road into Yosemite so it’s a great side stop if you are already headed that way. There is also a campground and waterfall in this canyon so it can serve as a destination on its own.   
  • Directions: From Reno, head south on Highway 395 for 140 miles. Turn right on Tioga Pass Road and follow as long as you like.  
  • Season: Mid October - November


  • Yosemite is not your typical fall color destination but the dogwoods, cottonwoods, and black oaks do show some impressive color. Walks along the Merced River will reveal some nice reflections as well. This is also a nice time to be in the park because it isn’t quite as crowded.  
  • Directions: From Reno, head south on Highway 395 for 140 miles. Turn right on Tioga Pass Road and follow for 12 miles to the entrance station (fee route). This route will take you to the Eastern entrance at Tioga pass and Tuolumne Meadows which eventually leads into Yosemite Valley. Alternatively, from Sacramento, take Highway 99 to Merced, then Highway 140  for 70 miles. This route will take you directly into Yosemite Valley.  
  • Season: Mid October - November

June Lake Loop

  • June lake Loop has three lakes: Gull, Silver, and June. Silver and June are the more impressive for scenery and fall color. There are several campgrounds, lodging, and services here as well. This can be a great spot for leaf peeping if the conditions are right.
  • Directions: From Reno, head south on Highway 395 for 150 miles. Turn right on June Lake Loop.  
  • Season: Mid October - November

Convict Lake

  • Convict Lake is another location that probably wouldn’t serve as your sole destination. However, this area does have a campground, services, and fishing. It can be incredibly windy here but calm days are quiet nice. There is a road that goes part way around the lake, then a trail from there with colors dotting the water line.  
  • Directions: From Reno, head south on Highway 395 for 170 miles. Turn right on Convict Lake Road.  
  • Season: Mid October – November

McGee Creek Canyon

  • McGee Creek Canyon has aspens with mountain ranges that can make for a nice sunrise or sunset. There is a campground here but is open seasonally so you might want to check before going. You can park along the road and walk around to some of the aspen groves as well.
  • Directions: From Reno, head south on Highway 395 for 174 miles. Turn right on Crowley Lake Drive.  
  • Season: October

Rock Creek Road

  • Rock Creek Road is a quiet meandering road off of Highway 395 with aspen groves and a stream. If you take it to the end at Mosquito Flat, there is a hiking trail, restrooms, and a good spot for a picnic.  
  • Directions: From Reno, head south on Highway 395 for 180 miles. Turn right on Rock Creek Road.  
  • Season: September - October

Bishop Creek

  • Bishop Creek has some beautiful fall color if you are willing to get out and walk a bit. You can pull over on the side of the road pretty easily and just start walking up or down the creek anywhere you like.
  • Directions: From Reno, head south on Highway 395 for 199 miles, then to 168, then to South Lake Road.
  • Season: September - October

North, South, and Sabrina Lakes (Highway 168)

  • North, South, and Sabrina Lakes are all near each other off of Highway 168 (same route as Bishop Creek), easy to get to within a day. North Lake is a little more secluded than South or Sabrina.
  • Directions: From Reno, head south on Highway 395 for 199 miles, then to 168, then to South Lake Road and follow the signs to the lakes you are interested in seeing.
  • Season: September - October

Feather River Scenic By-way

  • Feather River is in a different direction than the locations listed above but the drive along the river can make a nice day trip on its own. It travels along Butte and Plumas counties on Highway 70 following the Feather River.
  • Directions: From Sacramento take Highway 99 North to Highway 70 to Oroville. The by-way starts 8 miles north of Oroville.
  • Season: October - November


Silver Falls State Park, Oregon 

  • Silver Falls is located in the Northwestern region of Oregon, 30 minutes east of Salem. This would be a great addition to a weekend trip to Portland since it is only an hours drive each way. 
  • Directions: From Highway 5 in Salem, follow OR-22 east for 10 miles to OR-214-N for 12 miles. There will be signs as you get closer to the park. 
  • Season: October
Middle North Falls, Silver Falls State Park, OregonMiddle North Falls, Silver Falls State Park, OregonSilver Falls State Park is excellent for fall colors. It has a really nice hiking trail that goes around to the many waterfalls in the park.

Rogue River Gorge, Oregon 

  • Rogue River Gorge is located in Southwestern Oregon, not far from Crater Lake National Park. It is located within the Rogue-Umpqua Scenic Byway which makes for a nice leisurely drive. 
  • Directions: From Highway 5 in Medford, travel Northeast on OR-62 for roughly 50 miles until you reach the Rogue River Gorge viewpoint. There is a day use area, hiking trail, and viewpoint here. 
  • Season: October 
Fall foliage, Rogue River Gorge, OregonFall foliage, Rogue River Gorge, OregonThe Rogue River Gorge viewpoint along the Crater Lake Highway in Oregon has a great trail and tons of color that is easily accessible. This was an unplanned stop and I ended up spending a couple hours here.

Wizard Falls, Camp Sherman Oregon 

  • Wizard Falls is located in central Oregon, about 1 hour north of Bend. There is a fish hatchery here and the falls can be viewed from the bridge on the way into the hatchery. These are little different than your typical waterfall because the falls are more like a gorge cut through the river bed. 
  • Directions: From Bend, take US-20 north for 30 miles to NF-1400 for another 10 miles through Camp Sherman. 
  • Season: October 

Proxy Falls, Oregon 

  • Proxy Falls is located in central Oregon within the Three Sisters Wilderness, just over an hour east of Eugene. The hike to the falls is an easy 2 mile loop and a well maintained trail. 
  • Directions: From Eugene, follow OR-126 east for 56 miles, then turn right to connect to OR-242 and follow this for another 9 miles to signed trailhead. 
  • Season: September - October
Proxy Falls, Willamette National Forest, OregonProxy Falls, Willamette National Forest, OregonThis is a smaller cascade coming off of Proxy Falls with some maple leaves showing their autumn color.


Zion National Park

  • Zion National Park is on of the "Big Five" national parks, located in southwestern Utah, one hour east of St. George. This park is typically hectic during the summer season but starts to mellow out during autumn. The roads in the park travel through red rock and canyons with cottonwoods showing a little flare in the fall.
  • Directions: From St. George, follow UT-9 east through Springdale to park gates. 
  • Season: October - November

Dinosaur National Monument

  • In addition to an impressive visitor center with a massive wall containing over 1,500 dinosaur fossils, this park also has a nice display of fall color. The area near the Dinosaur Quarry is the most accessible portion and the easiest to visit in a short period of time.

  • Directions: From U.S. Highway 40 in Jensen, Utah, take Utah Highway 149 north to the monument. 

  • Season: October - November

Flaming Gorge National Recreational Area

  • All roads in Flaming Gorge are scenic and during the fall months. The Flaming Gorge-Uintas National Scenic Byway combines Highways 44 and 191 between Manila and Vernal, Utah. This drive travels through sweeping vistas filled with wildlife, photogenic scenic pullouts, and geologic features. The Sheep Creek Geologic Loop— a 13-mile drive found off of Highway 44— has plenty of pullouts to admire the folded earth of the Uinta Fault and the brilliant leaves of the cottonwood trees.

  • Directions: The Flaming Gorge NRA is located in the northeast corner of Utah and the southwest corner of Wyoming. It is South of I-80, between Green River and Rock Springs, Wyoming and extends into the Uintah Mountains towards Vernal, Utah.

  • Season: September - November


Rocky Mountain National Park

  • Rocky Mountain is well known for the Elk rut season but the fall color display does not disappoint, particularly along Bear Lake Road. Autumn is the high season for this park, so prepare for crowds. Be sure to check the park's website for timed entry permit requirements to make your trip more enjoyable. 

  • Directions: Rockey Mountain NP has four main entrance stations. Two of these, Beaver Meadows and Fall River, are just west of the town of Estes Park which is a popular and convenient base camp for visiting this park. 

  • Season: Mid-September - Early October 

Guanella Pass 

  • Guanella Pass is located one hour southwest of Denver, climbing to 11,670 feet with many high aspen groves on both sides of the pass and all along the road, offering a good chance of seeing color somewhere on the mountainsides. This is also a good location for spotting moose, bighorn sheep and pikas.  
  • Directions: From Denver, take Highway 70 west to exit 228 towards Georgetown, then follow the signs. The pass is 24 miles long. 

  • Season: Mid-September - Early October



Yellowstone National Park

  • Yellowstone may be more well known for its geothermal features but the park’s landscape is dotted with golden aspens, yellow grasses, and red-leafed shrubs in autumn. Some of the most colorful spots are Mammoth Hot Springs, the Lamar Valley, Blacktail Plateau Drive, and Lewis River near the falls and in the Lewis River Canyon.

  • Directions: Yellowstone covers nearly 3,500 square miles in the northwest corner of Wyoming (3% of the park is in Montana and 1% is in Idaho). Yellowstone has five entrance stations from the North, South, East, and West. 

  • Season: Late September - early October 

Tetons National Park 


  • Quaking aspens most commonly change to shades of yellow throughout the park. Look for them near water, on mountain slopes, or tucked in with evergreens. Aspens tend to 'quake' or 'dance' when the wind blows through them. In autumn the trees appear to shimmer as sun dances off their yellow leaves.
    Good viewing areas within the park include: Willow Flats Overlook, Snake River Overlook, Oxbow Bend, and Two Ocean Lake.

  • Directions: The park is located in northwestern Wyoming; north of the town of Jackson, Wyoming and south of Yellowstone National Park. 

  • Season: Late September - early October 



Tom Minor Basin, Gardiner 


  • Tom Miner Basin rests in a mountain nook just north of Yellowstone National Park within the Gallatin Mountain Range. This is a prime spot for viewing grizzly bears, but not on the day I was there. While I drove the road, stopping to look for wildlife, I passed many stands of aspen and decided to sop and try out some vertical panning of the trees. 

  • Directions: Tom Miner Creek Road is located off State Highway 89. The turnoff is 36 miles south of Livingston and 17 miles north of Gardiner.

  • Season: Late September - early October 





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