Location profile: Bodie State Historic Park

June 13, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Location Profile: Bodie State Historic Park

Text and photos by Heather Cline 

Bodie is one of the most interesting and photogenic state parks in California, situated at the edge of the Great Basin and Sierra Nevada mountains. It was designated as a National Historic Site and a State Historic Park in 1962. 

What is Bodie?

Bodie State Historic Park is a genuine California gold-mining ghost town. It is being preserved in a state of arrested decay with interiors left as they were when the town was vacated, stocked with goods. Visitors can walk the deserted streets of a town that once had around 2,000 structures and a population of roughly 8,000 people.

The park was named for W.S. Body (or Bodey), who discovered gold in the hills north of Mono Lake. The gold boom lasted only a few short years from 1877 to 1881, but mining officially ceased in 1942, some 61 years later. 

Quick Facts

  • Park brochure and map
  • Summer hours (5/25 - 10/31) are 9:00 - 6:00 daily with visitor center museum open 9:30 - 5:30 (Hours may be subject to change based on staffing.) The winter hours (11/1 - 5/24) are 9:00 - 4:00 daily and the visitor center is closed during these months. 
  • There are no food or gas services at this park
  • Dogs are permitted but must be on a leash at all times
  • There is a restroom and unshaded picnic area located at the parking lot 
  • Entrance fee is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. A self guided tour book is available for $3.00
  • The closest towns are Bridgeport and Lee Vining which offer services: restaurants, lodging, camping, gasoline, food, and general store
  • Reliable cell phone reception in Bridgeport and Lee Vining
  • Every artifacts in Bodie is protected. No collecting permitted. Please take only photos and leave only memories.

When is a good time to visit?

Bodie is open all year and lists two seasons: Winter and Summer. 

Winter: (November 21 - May 24) Because of the high elevation (8375 feet), the park is accessible only by skis, snowshoes or snowmobiles during winter months. Snowmobiles must stay on designated roads in the Bodie Hills. Winter weather is often unpredictable. Sub-zero temperatures, strong winds and white-out conditions are common. Many four wheel drive vehicles with chains get stuck each year in powdery snow. In spring, mud can be a problem. Local towing services, when available, can be costly. Check road conditions before traveling.


Summer: (May 25 - October 31) Although it is busier, travel to the park during these months is more reliable and there may be wildflowers blooming in June/July. If you want to combine this trip with Eastern Sierra fall colors, October is a great time to visit as well.


Where is this park?

The park is located on Highway 270, Highway 270, Bridgeport CA 93517. It is roughly 2 hours south of the town of Bridgeport and 45 minutes north of Lee Vining, both on Highway 395. Other nearby attractions are:

  • Yosemite National Park (east access closed in winter) 
  • Mono Lake
  • June Lake Loop (excellent for fall color) 
  • Panum Crater (hike)
  • Black Point Fissures (hike)



Why should I visit?


History, photography, walking tour, and cross-country skiing in winter. 



I hope you enjoyed this post. To see more of my Bodie SHP images, check out the gallery here



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